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Jackson Rockabillys Welcome Ford Driving Skills for Life Clinic to Rockabillys Stadium

Jackson Rockabillys Welcome Ford Driving Skills for Life Clinic to Rockabillys Stadium

Jackson, Tenn. - The Jackson Rockabillys are proud to welcome the Ford Driving Skils for Life Clinic to Rockabillys Stadium on Saturday, March 29th and Sunday, March 30th.

Ford Driving Skills for Life free hands-on clinics help newly licensed drivers (teens with a permit or license) improve their skills in key areas that are critical factors in the majority of vehicle crashes, including Vehicle Handling and Slide Control. There also is a comprehensive section on Distracted and Simulated Impaired Driving as well as our Safety in Mobility exercise around Pedestrian and Scooter Safety.

This course is intended for newly licensed drivers to practice these skills in a safe, controlled environment, with professional instructors sitting next to them. This clinic is the next step beyond traditional driver education courses and a valuable addition to the learning process. 

In order to attend a Ford Driving Skills for Life hands-on clinic, participants must have either their learner's permit or driver’s license. The program is FREE of cost and vehicles will be provided to use during the event. Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to attend the clinic and learn alongside participants. There will also be an information session for parents.

Interested participants can sign up using the link below: 

https://www. training/hands-on-training