Work and Play

Your group can earn money and earn free tickets to a Rockabillys game!  It's win for us and a win for your group.  The number of free tickets for your group will be based on the number of nights your group works and the number of workers in attendance on your agreed to game.  All workers must be at least 16 years of age.  For complimentary tickets in addition to payment for your group work, you must work a minimum of two games.  Group rate of pay will be based on $13.00 per hour per worker and paid to the group in one check.  We would love for you and your group to be a part of Rockabillys baseball!


Civic club, youth group, athletic team, booster club, etc.
concessions, ushers, parking attendants
Groups do not have to work more than one gamet but preference of dates will be given to those groups who do work more than a single game.
* required field
Work and Play